Pacific Islands Travel
- Cannibal valley by Russell T. Hitt $10.00 NZD /
- Captain Cook in Hawaii by Terence Barrow $16.00 NZD /
- Chalmers of New Guinea by Alexander Small $11.00 NZD /
- Come unto these yellow sands by Earl Schenck $12.00 NZD /
- Day that I have loved by Percy Chatterton $11.00 NZD /
- Doctor to the islands by Tom Davis and Lydia Davis $12.00 NZD /
- Faces Of Fiji by Kristin Zambucka $7.00 NZD /
- Fatu-Hiva: Back to Nature by Thor Heyerdahl $13.00 NZD /
- Fatu-Hiva; Back to nature by Thor Heyerdahl $7.00 NZD /
- Fiji and its peoples by Anthony Haas $10.00 NZD /
- Fiji through the eyes of the Fijian by unknown $8.00 NZD /
- Fiji Time by Peter Henning and Glen Craig $9.00 NZD /
- Fiji: Shattered Coups by R.T. Robertson, Don Dunstan $16.00 NZD /
- Folk tales from Borneo by Alan Hicks $10.00 NZD /
- Fragile Paradise by Andrew Mitchell $11.00 NZD /
- Friendly Island by Patricia Ledyard $13.00 NZD /
- Friendly Isles : a tale of Tonga by Patricia Ledyard $13.00 NZD /