NZ Fiction
- Broadcasting grave and gay by Ken G. Collins $11.00 NZD /
- Broken English by Johanna Pigott $8.00 NZD /
- Broken english by Johanna Pigott $4.25 NZD /
- Broken Images by Zoe Manley $11.00 NZD /
- Brother Jonathan brother kafka by Vincent O'Sullivan $10.50 NZD /
- Brother Jonathan brother Kafka by Vincent O'Sullivan $11.00 NZD /
- Brown man's burden by Roderick Finlayson $34.00 NZD /
- Bruce Mason by Howard Mcnaughton $11.00 NZD /
- Buddhist temples of Japan. Nara by unknown $77.00 NZD /
- Building the book collection by Helen Cowey $11.00 NZD /
- Bull by the Horns by Bruce Miller $8.00 NZD /
- Bus station concrete. Haiku. by Murray Kennedy $10.00 NZD /
- Bush luck by W.H. Timperley $13.00 NZD /
- Butterfly Mind by Gwenyth Perry $8.00 NZD /
- By bread alone by Sarah-Kate Lynch $7.00 NZD /
- Cabin at your gate by Margaret Jeffery $11.00 NZD /
- Cabin at your gate by Margaret Jeffery $8.00 NZD /
- Call of the mountain by Miriam Macgregor $21.00 NZD /
- Came a Hot Friday by Ronald Hugh Morrieson $20.00 NZD /
- Campaign by Des Wilson $9.00 NZD /
- Canoe diary by Nic Bishop $6.00 NZD /
- Canterbury XIII a rugy league history by John Coffey $21.00 NZD /